We want you to know
Contemporary boudoir photography is sensual, romantic, sexy and so much fun! As women, we spend endless amounts of time and energy looking after our loved ones that its' important to once in a while take a break and do something for ourselves.
We all deserve to feel beautiful and special!! It does not matter if you have never been in front of a professional camera, feel a bit nervous, or if you feel you may not be your ideal weight. I have photographed women of all shapes, sizes & age, and will carefully guide you throughout the entire session.
Sessions are photographed at my private home studio in Warnervale, and photographed by myself (Natalie) and usually take an hour. It is just us but if you prefer to bring a friend for moral support than that is fine with me. Alternate locations such as a hotel room etc may be booked if you wish.
Please feel free to discuss any of your ideas with me, my aim is to make you realize how beautiful you really are and at the same time create a memorable experience.
If your a bride to be surprise your groom (or bride) with a sexy gift on your wedding night and really knock their socks off! Don't forget to bring your veil and garter to compete your bridal look
Nothing makes you feel stronger or more confident than seeing yourself looking hot! we can all achieve this with some guidance and the right professionals helping us. Maybe you've reached a fitness goal, have a new look you want to show off, or it's just something you've always wanted to do and want to cross it off your bucket list!
One year Wedding Anniverary, your 30th or 40th birthday, Valentines day, Christmas, before becoming a mum, are all great occasions or milestones to have your photographs taken. It can either be a gift to yourself or for that special someone.
a glance
Once we've had a chat and you've booked your session you'll recieve an email confirmaton that contains information on how to prepare for your session, what to bring, as well as some useful tips.
I strongly encourage the use of using the services of a professional hairstyling and makeup artist team prior to your shoot, it really makes a difference in the final images! I work closely with and recommend booking Morgan Drew & Stephani from ataraxia by morgan drew the girls are lovely and its only a 5 min drive to the studio once your ready.
We will start with the most comfortable outfits and poses and advance from there. i will give you super easy to follow posing directions so no prior experience is necessary, just be prepared to hold poses, arch your back, and have lots of fun!
Your images will all be carefully edited and you will be invited back for a viewing a
appointment where you can select your favourites.
Additional images may be purchased if desired. Stunning custom designed fine art albums are also available as well as a variety of wall art. No promotion gift vouchers may be used towards boudoir photography sessions.
I need to update my boudoir photography portfolio and am looking for suitable candidates over the age of 21, I need women of all shapes, sizes, & age.
To be eligable for this very special offer, and to receive your professionally printed 8x10 matted print, please fill in the form below to apply and I will contact you to give you more information and to see if we are a match!
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